Course Description

Kelly C. Huang MBA, Career Transformation Facilitator, UCSD Marketing Adjunct

Kelly Huang

Course curriculum

  • 1

    What is branding versus personal branding

  • 2

    Your Aspirations and Vision for Yourself

    • Video Introduction to Crafting Your Personal Branding Statement

    • SLIDE DECK for Your visioning and branding branding statement

    • Your Brand Statement

    • Criteria for your positioning statement

    • Some question to help with your Visioning work

    • Examples of branding statements

    • Focus and develop your statement

  • 3

    Your own SWOT analysis

    • Video introduction of examining your own strengths and weaknesses

    • Personal SWOT SLIDE DECK

    • What is the perception of your brand?

    • How to do a 360 evaluation yourself

    • SLIDE DECK for 360 degree evaluation

  • 4

    Your 4Ps - a targeted marketing plan for how to gain visibility up, down and across your organization and network

    • How to promote your Personal Brand with your target marketing mix

    • Your Personal 4Ps/Marketing Mix

  • 5

    Putting All Together: Narrate Your Story

    • What is an elevator pitch and why do I need it?

    • SLIDE DECK for Your Elevator Pitch

    • Personal Branding Statement worksheet

    • Making the emotional connection for your Personal Branding story


    • FINAL THOUGHTS VIDEO 2 OF 2 (with Discussion)

    • Feedback

  • 6


    • Additional Reading from Harvard Business Review

    • Podcast: Black Business Leaders Series Oprah's Path to Authentic Leadership

    • Additional Videos to help you make presentations and develop great first impressions